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CoolSculpting® a in-office, non-surgical procedure that, like liposuction, reduces fat cells, but without needles, incisions, scars, or anesthesia! Here are before/after photos of Dr. Loomis 's own patients. It takes about 3 months to see the complete results.

This patient had a remarkable transformation despite a 3 pound weight gain! She had CoolSculpting® on the abdomen, the bra folds, and the inner and outer thighs. (Not a guarantee of results, individual results vary.)

This patient had ten sites treated in one session. She had a dramatic change in contour despite no change in her weight. Seen at three months. (Not a guarantee of results, individual results vary.)

This patient was treated in six sites on her hips and bra folds. She is shown before and 3 months after. (Not a guarantee of results, individual results vary.)

This patient was treated in eight sites to the waist and abdomen during one session. There was no weight change. She was very pleased with the change to her stomach. (Not a guarantee of results, individual results vary.)

This patient's outer thighs were treated in one 2 hour session. (Not a guarantee of results, individual results vary.)

This patient was treated in four sites to the abdomen during one session. After 3 months, there was no weight change. (Not a guarantee of results, individual results vary.)

To slim down his torso, this patient was treated in six sites to the hips and two sites to the lower abdomen during one session. (Not a guarantee of results, individual results vary.)

This patient had CoolSculpting® on the abdomen, the bra folds, and the inner and outer thighs. As you can see, there was even an improvement in outer thigh cellulite dimpling. (Not a guarantee of results, individual results vary.)

This patient was treated in four sites to the inner thigh. Her weight stayed the same. (Not a guarantee of results, individual results vary.)

This patients hips were CoolSculpted in one session thanks to our ability to DualScuplt or use two machines at once. (Not a guarantee of results, individual results vary.)