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Mini Lifts

Mini Lifts done under local anesthesia with minimal down time. Here are before/after photos of Dr. Loomis's own patients.

When you have facial looseness limited to the area along the jawline, a Mini Lift may be a great option for you. It lifts your jaw skin up towards your ear. Under local anesthesia in the office, Dr. Loomis performs delicate tightening along your jawline and removes a small amount of loose skin. (Not a guarantee of results, individual results vary.)

Dr. Loomis traditionally treated neck fat with liposuction as above, but we now has a nonsurgical option: Kybella® to remove neck fat without any surgery at all!. (Not a guarantee of results, individual results vary.)

Dr. Loomis does Mini Lifts in smaller areas of the body as well. When the loose skin is limited, patients can undergo CoolSculpting® for the fat, and a Mini Lift for the skin. (Not a guarantee of results, individual results vary.)

This patient had Kybella treatment by Dr. Loomis with only one session. Results shown at two months. (Not a guarantee of results, individual results vary.)

This patient had two sessions of Kybella with Dr. Loomis, reducing her submental fat. (Not a guarantee of results, individual results vary.)

This patient is shown following her first session of Kybella® to improve her double chin. (Not a guarantee of results, individual results vary.) If your problem is more tired grooves under the eyes or hollowness of the cheeks, see what our Liquid Lifts can do!

Neck Z-Plasty done under local anesthesia in the office by Dr. Loomis. (Not a guarantee of results, individual results vary.)

Neck Z-Plasty done under local anesthesia in the office by Dr. Loomis. (Not a guarantee of results, individual results vary.)